Dianne McConnell

Dianne McConnell


Author • Educator • Speaker • Consultant

Could This Be Grace



The human traits of overcoming adversity and resilience are something we all need to grow. Life throws us curveballs and how we respond and deal with them directly affects our personal health and wellbeing. Sometimes, we need a bit of help and inspiration — and that’s become my personal mission.

In addition to a daughter, I’m a caring mother of two boys who were born with multiple chronic health issues that eventually took both their lives in their 30s. Over those years I watched my sons live with blindness, addiction, pain management, and the challenges within our healthcare system. Through their experiences, I increased my personal resiliency and self-image to a place of confidence and self-awareness that enabled me to become their staunchest advocate. In the end I knew myself better — but most importantly, I found grace.

I took all that I learned and put it into two books, which I’d love to share with you. If nothing else, I want to invite you into my helpful circle of community. There, you can learn from others and me about the importance of really getting to know yourself and others and see adversity as an opportunity for growth. I hope you will join me in future events to understand how relationships and connections are the foundation of welcoming, safe, and caring environments. 


I have accreditation or certification in these disciplines:

Dedicated to supporting trauma resolution and resilience through culturally responsive professional training and education, research, and outreach around the globe.

Our mission is to remind others of life’s fundamental truths: that life is magical, we are powerful, and dreams really do come true. We do this by spreading the word about the nature of reality, the law of attraction, creative visualization, and the power of thought.